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Black Point Estate

The Black Point Estate, built by beer baron Conrad Seipp in 1888, is one of the oldest of its type on the lake and the only one open for tours from mid-May through October.

Black Point Estate W4270 Southland Road Lake Geneva, WI 53147

Geneva Lake Museum

The museum’s 19th century era stores and businesses, brick street, Potawatomi Indian artifacts, Andy Gump, lakeshore residences, stagecoach and nautical vessels are but a few of the features to be explored at the Geneva Lake Museum.

255 Mill St, Lake Geneva WI 53147

Old World Wisconsin

W 372 S9727 WI-67. Eagle, WI 53119

East Troy Electric Railroad

The East Troy Electric Railroad offers scenic rides aboard 15 vintage trolleys through Southeast Wisconsin’s beautiful Kettle Moraine State Forest.

2002 Church Street East Troy, WI 53120
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